Monday, July 19, 2010

a start

With a bit nudging, I thought i'd give this blogging thing a try. I think it should serve as a good way to communicate with family, friends, and whoever else might read it about my deployment, our little family, and any other thing I might think about... Sarah might even post now and then too.

So the first thing I want to talk about is cars. who could have guessed?

We just bought a MINI Cooper Clubman S, and it has been a fantastic little car so far. The suicide door on the right side makes loading cargo (Jakob) an absolute breeze, and the car is a BLAST to drive!

To make room for the mini's arrival, I finally cleaned the garage that had slowly turned into a disaster. I kept it quite nice while sarah was in Iraq, but about 3/4 of the way through, things started to get shoved in the big open spaces, and soon the man cave had suffocated a slow death into becoming a storage shed :(

So here is Sarah helping me clean out the garage!

In all reality Sarah is incredible with tidiness. She moves like a ghost, a cleaning ghost. I wont even see it happen, but i'll feel a cool breeze and next thing i know is the sink full of dishes is rinsed and inside the humming dishwasher!

Finally, Jakob believes everything in the world is his personal jungle gym. If it looks like it's climbable, he is there! He recently figured out how to climb into the mini, so now, every day coming home from school, we take him out of the car seat, set him on the pavement and he climbs right back in! The drivers seat is his favorite because there are lots of switches, levers, wheels, and buttons to explore. He's getting a go-kart (bambinikart) when he is four.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of bloggers! Keep it up, with pics!

