Saturday, October 2, 2010


Yesterday the last of the A-10 guys came home from deployment including me! Our flight stopped in Romania for a few hours for crew change and to refuel and restock the plane. The group that came home a few days before us got stuck in Romania when the plane decided to break, so many of us were nervous the junk we were flying on was going to do the same. You know how the Government is famous for selling out to the lowest bidder? Well troop transport is no different... It wasn't Delta for sure...

Anyways, It's soooo great to be back home, and being greeted by Sarah and Jakob when we got off the plane made all the suck the past 2 month brought fade away. Nate and Jessica Crandall were there too, and Jessica took a few pictures of the big homecoming.

Here is Jakob in his cool shirt prepping for the big reunion.

Not quite Navy guy and Nurse in New York, but it I liked that kiss!

Jakob took a moment to realize who this dude was kissing Mommy, then I got a big hug from him, and he wouldn't let me put him down again. Every day I'm amazed at how much this little person changes. When Sarah came home from deployment, she was a stranger and it took a few days for him to warm up with her. But now that he's older and understands most of our words, he remembered who I was the whole time, and would wave at our family picture whenever he walked by it.

Our little family back together!


  1. Okay I am in a little puddle of tears here!

    -love the kiss photo
    -sarah's hair looks fantastic:)
    -luv the one w jakob in your arms and sarah smiling at you two
    -SO THANKFUL that you three are back together!
    -next big trip:move close to US!!
    -it's true, kids are amazing how they grow and change and learn so much so quickly!
    -jakob is SO CUTE!

    i love you guys!

  2. Colleen is right on every count!! You al look great and it makes me happy to know that you are together again!

  3. Just got home from the P.I.E. Show in Monterey, so I missed the initial news earlier yesterday/today.

    Glad you made it back home safely, Jessica took some GREAT photos, "capturing the moment" perfectly!


  4. The video and pics are awesome. Next best thing to being there. so relieved your back and you three are together again.

  5. Yup i just cried... I love those pictures fantastic! That is definitely something you will cherish forever!
